



Jill: YoYo. Remember that jacket you lent me last week?

Yo: Yeah, my favorite yellow one.

Jill: Right. 

      I don't know how to say this...but I lost it.

Yo: Oh,no. I loved that jacket.

Jill: I know. I feel terrible.

      So I bought you this one to replace it.

Yo: Wow! Thanks, Jill! This one is even nicer!

Jill: I am glad that you like it.



1. I'm terribly sorry! 我真的很抱歉!

2. Please forgive me. 請原諒我.

3. Uh-oh, my fault! 喔喔,是我的錯!

4. Oops, that was me. 糟糕,就是我(做的)!

5. I beg your pardon.  對不起(請再說一次)

6. Pardon me 對不起


  如果只是一時造成人家不便  就用excuse me/pardon me)

   (與excuse me同樣是在犯了小錯/造成他人困擾/要麻煩他人時所使用)

  (正式說法是 I beg your pardon.)

7. Oops a daisy. 糟糕!

8. I didn't mean to do that. 我不是故意的.

9. It was an accident. 那是個意外 (不是故意的)

 10. Sorry to disturb you. 很抱歉打擾到你





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