

Yo: Jill, please post these pictures on our website.
      Then, e-mail them to our members.

Jill: Sorry, I don't know how to use the Internet.

Yo: Unbelievable. 
      I think you'd better learn it as soon as possible.

Jill: Shame on me. What can I do?

Yo: Don't blame yourself. It's never too late to learn

Jill: Thank you! Your words make me feel better.
(謝謝你! 你的話讓我好多了)

Yo: I will give you some basic ideas about the computer: monitor, floppy disk drive, CD-ROM drive, keyboard, mouse, printer.
(我會先你一些電腦的基本概念: 螢幕, 軟碟機,硬碟機,鍵盤,滑鼠,印表機..)

Jill: I remember them all. What's next?

Yo: Turn on your computer first. See the sign? Click here twice. Welcome to the world of the Internet.
(先開機.看見這個符號了嗎? 點兩下.歡迎來到網路世界!)

Jill: I see. Then how can I upload the pictures?
(我明白了! 那麼我該如何上傳圖片呢?)

Yo: Take it easy. Don't push yourself so hard.
      You can learn it tomorrow, alright?
(放輕鬆啦! 不要逼自己逼太緊! 你可以明天再學上傳圖片,好嗎?)

Jill: It's kind of you. I will try my best! Thank you.
(你人真好!我會盡自己全力學習的! 謝謝你)

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